
As believers in Christ, we are called to a certain standard of living. We place an emphasis on the following:

We are committed to the centrality of the Scriptures. The study and grasp of the Scriptures is important to us because the Scriptures tell us who God is and how he would have us to live.

We are committed to a hearty worship. Our recognition of who God is leads to an overflow from our lives into a regular gathering together primarily on Sundays but also at other times during the week to a vibrant worship of him in song, preaching and prayer.

We are committed to sharing the gospel because not only have we been commanded to do so but also because it is the only hope of salvation for mankind.

We are committed to recognition that salvation is through Christ alone and through God's sovereign work for the praise of His glorious Name.

We are committed to practical holiness for the sake of Him who called us because we recognize that our faith is not passive but having been made a new creation in Christ we are now to be actively involved in pursuing him and putting to death the deeds of the flesh.

We are committed to the local church recognizing that it is the God ordained means through which believers grow, edify one another and participate in the Lord's Supper.

We are committed to love one another, to hold one another accountable and to pray for one another regularly.

All this for our ultimate purpose - which is to glorify God.